Bee Library Natural History Collections and Observation Projects


Agate Fossil Beds National Monument

Contacts: Mohammad Al Mousa,
Collection Type: Observations
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 15 November 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File


Apple Bees of New York State

Apple orchards of NY. Strictly bees that visit apple flowers only.

Lab Manager: Maria van Dyke,
Professor - PI: Bryan Danforth,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 21 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File


ASU Hasbrouck Insect Collection - Bee Records

This is a snapshot of all bee (Apoidea: Anthophila) records from the ASUHIC collection available from the ecdysis portal.

Collection Manager: Sangmi Lee, SLEE281@ASU.EDU (ORCID #: 0000-0002-9636-8242)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 2 October 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File

Barcode of Life

Dataset compiled from the Barcode of Life Data Portal (BOLD): Ratnasingham, Sujeevan, and Paul D N Hebert. “bold: The Barcode of Life Data System (” Molecular ecology notes vol. 7,3 (2007): 355-364. doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.01678.x

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data harvested from a data aggregator
Last Update: 6 October 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File


Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, USDA-ARS Pollinating Insect-Biology, Management, Systematics Research

This is a one-time snapshot collection of data originally hosted by GBIF:

Temporal range: August 7, 1819 - August 25, 2012

Publication date November 26, 2019

The Pollinating Insects -- Biology, Management and Systematics Research Unit (PIRU) was founded in the late 1940s as part of the alfalfa seed production unit. We focus primarily on pollination research with bees.The mission of the Pollinating Insect - Biology, Management and Systematics Research Unit is the development of non-Apis bees, for example the alfalfa leafcutting bee and blue orchard bee, as crop pollinators. Research emphasis areas include the development and improvement of management systems for bee populations, biological studies of bees, plant-pollination systems, and bee biosystematics. Cross-pollinated crops not effectively pollinated by honey bees have been targeted for improved pollination management, and the candidacy of selected pollinator species continues to be evaluated. Current research on established species, like the alfalfa leafcutting bee and blue orchard bee, is directed toward developing control programs for pests and diseases, improving management that will result in better bee health and demonstrating pollination efficacy and increased producer profitability on "new" crops.

Contacts: Terry Griswold, (ORCID #: 0000-0003-3952-9393)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 2 November 2021
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights: CC BY (Attribution)


Bee Fauna of National Wildlife Refuges in the Pacific Northwest, 2010-2016

In 2010, the Pacific Region of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) initiated a native bee sampling program to document the bee fauna at 15 National Wildlife Refuges (NWR), 1 National Monument, and 1 Bureau of Land Management site in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho (hereafter referred to as Refuges or Sites). This program was comprised of six sampling components, utilizing two methodologies depending on the available staff, site objectives, and accessibility. For purposes of data publication, these components are summarized as follows. [Description continued in original data source.]

Refer to original data source for most updated description and contacts.

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 15 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: USDA-ARS Pollinating Insect-Biology, Management, Systematics Research


California Academy of Sciences

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Collection Manager: Christopher Grinter, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-3769-1664)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File


California Academy of Sciences - Type Collection

This collection contains the bee type specimens housed at the California Academy of Sciences.

Collection Manager: Chris Grinter, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-3769-1664)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Plant Sciences Entomology Collection

Our collection has roughly 50,000 specimens, both pinned and in ethanol. The vast majority of insects have been collected by students here at the university, for varying entomology classes. Therefore, a large portion of the collection was collected from SLO county. However, many specimens are from around California, and we have a special Swanton Pacific Ranch collection. This collection is incredibly important to our school, as the Ranch is used by students of all disciplines to further their hand on education. Unfortunately, the Ranch burned in 2020, making these specimens invaluable.

Lecturer, Collections Manager: Ryan Perry,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File


Characterizing bumble bee (Bombus) communities in the United States and assessing a conservation monitoring method

Occurrence records used in the Publication, "Characterizing bumble bee (Bombus) communities in the United States and assessing a conservation monitoring method".

Refer to original data source for most updated description and contacts.

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 15 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: USDA-ARS Pollinating Insect-Biology, Management, Systematics Research


Coleção Entomológica Camargo

A Coleção Entomológica Prof. J.M.F. Camargo (RPSP), sediada no Departamento de Biologia da FFCLRP/USP, começou a ser montada em 1965. Desde então, como resultado de várias expedições ao Amazonas e demais espaços neotropicais, e intercâmbio com museus do Brasil e exterior, foi montado o mais completo acervo de Meliponini Neotropicais ("abelhas sem ferrão"). A coleção inclui cerca de 250.000 espécimes de abelhas, dos quais mais de 150.000 são Meliponini. A maior parte dos espécimes encontra-se montada em alfinetes, e milhares de exemplares encontram-se preservados em fixador (incluindo larvas, jovens e adultos, operárias, machos e rainhas), representando cerca de 1000 ninhos estudados, além de constituir a única coleção com obras construídas pelas abelhas (peças de ninhos e cerca de 5.500 slides sobre a biologia do grupo). A Coleção abriga também um excelente acervo de abelhas em geral, incluindo material de estudos sobre estrutura de comunidades (mais de 30.000 espécimes, contendo dados sobre fenologia), obtido em coletas sistemáticas em vários ecossistemas (campos rupestres, cerrados, desertos, ambientes modificados, etc.). A Coleção inclui mais de 1000 espécimes tipos, dos quais 81 são tipos primários.

Curador: Eduardo A. B. Almeida,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 5 October 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP), Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


Coleção Entomológica Paulo Nogueira-Neto

A Coleção Entomológica Paulo Nogueira Neto (CEPANN- IBUSP) é uma coleção de referência para Estudos Ecológicos, constantes dos trabalhos realizados no Laboratório de Abelhas da USP. A coleção foi criada em 1983 para abrigar os espécimes de abelhas coletados nos levantamentos de campo dos projetos de Mestrado e Doutorado realizados no Laboratório de Abelhas. Atualmente conta com um acervo de aproximadamente 36.000 espécimes e 432 espécies de abelhas.

Curador: Isabel Alves dos Santos,
Curador: Vera Lucia Imperatriz Fonseca,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 5 October 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Universidade de São Paulo


Collaborative databasing of North American bee collections within a global informatics network project

Data in this collection are from the Collaborative databasing of North American bee collections within a global informatics network project. Data was originally captured using Arthropod Easy Capture software developed at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York. Project lead investigators are John Ascher (Principal Investigator) and Jerome Rozen (Co-Principal Investigator) at the AMNH, and Douglas Yanega (Principal Investigator), University of California Riverside. 

Please use this citation for this archive: John Ascher, Digital Bee Collections Network data archive from the Collaborative databasing of North American bee collections within a global informatics network project. Version: 08 Mar 2016. National Science Foundation grants DBI 0956388 and DBI 0956340


Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data harvested from a data aggregator
Last Update: 6 September 2022
Digital Metadata: EML File

Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Arthropod Collection

Broad collection across all taxa, focused on Connecticut, from 1900 – 1950, followed more recently by intensive collections in particular taxa based on the interests of specific research programs, including: Apoidea, Buprestidae, and Cerambycidae. The collection holding is estimated at 160,000 specimens.

Contacts: Gale Ridge,
Contacts: Tracy Zarrillo,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 13 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station


Denver Botanic Gardens Collection of Arthropods

The Denver Botanic Gardens Collection of Arthropods (DBGA) is small reference and research collection focused on arthropods from urban and suburban habitats. Specimen and observation data is primarily collected from the Colorado Front Range. The collection also contains specimens from other areas in the Southern Rocky Mountain Region, particularly sites with ongoing research projects organized by the Denver Botanic Gardens. Identifications are often only to family level.

Contacts: Rick Levy,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Denver Botanic Gardens


Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah

The Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah consists of approximately 250,000 pinned and alcohol specimens from around the world, with greatest specimen numbers from the intermountain west. The collection dates back to the late 1800s, with heaviest collection periods in the 1930s and 1960s. The collection was relocated in 2012 to a new facility with optimal storage conditions. Areas of greatest strength include Lepidoptera, Cicadidae and Cicindelidae. Future project emphasis is on databasing the collection to increase research utilization of the collection.

Collections Manager: Christy Bills,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File


Essig Museum of Entomology, University of California Berkeley

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Collection Manager: Peter Oboyski, (ORCID #: 0000-0001-8240-9106)
Contacts: Neil Tsutsui, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-1868-3941)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data harvested from a data aggregator
Last Update: 24 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File


Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Insect, Arachnid and Myriapod Collection

The Division of Insects’ holdings of worldwide Arthropoda (excluding Crustacea) rank fifth in overall size among North American collections and are of worldwide importance for many groups. The collection presently includes roughly 4.1 million pinned insects plus 8.3 million specimens or lots in alcohol or on microscope slides. In addition, there are over 17,000 partly-sorted “bulk samples” from traps or leaf-litter extractions. The collection receives heavy use by US and international research visitors and borrowers as well as extensive educational use.

Collection Manager: Maureen Turcatel,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 13 November 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Field Museum

Florida State Collection of Arthropods

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Collection manager: Elijah Talamas, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-1048-6345)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File


iNaturalist Research-Grade Observations

This is a snapshot collection of Research-Grade observations from the platform as published through GBIF.


The dataset was searched for the seven families within Anthophila and is available here: (03 November 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download

Collection Type: Observations
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 3 November 2021
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File

Insecta of Costa Rica (INBio)

Occurrence records of the Insecta class collected, identified, digitized, and published by the National Biodiversity Institute (INBio) of Costa Rica.

Biodiversity Informatics Applications Developer: Manuel Vargas,
Information Technology Manager: María Auxiliadora Mora,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 April 2024
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File

J. B. Wallis / R. E. Roughley Museum of Entomology

Invertebrate collection, primarily insects (pinned, slides, and fluid preserved) with good representation for Manitoba, Canada and strengths in bees and aquatic beetles

Curator: Jason Gibbs, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-4945-5423)
Technician: Wonhyo Lee,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 3 October 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights: CC BY (Attribution)

Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Pollinator Surveys

We collected pollinators as part of the Alaska Bee Atlas effort. We collected pollinators on Kenai National Wildlife Refuge in 2022 using blue vane traps, pollinator cups, and aerial nets.

Refer to original data source for most updated description and contacts.

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 14 September 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File

Maine State Museum - Brianne Du Clos

A project collection of Maine bees from Brianne Du Clos

Contacts: Brianne Du Clos,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File

Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Hymenoptera Collection

Hymenoptera collection from Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi

Curator: Orlando Silveira,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 6 October 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi


Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Contacts: Naomi Pierce, (ORCID #: 0000-0003-3366-1625)
Collection Manager: Crystal Maier, (ORCID #: 0000-0001-6435-2775)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 April 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: President and Fellows of Harvard College


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Curator: Brian Brown, (ORCID #: 0000-0001-6367-6057)
Collection Manager: Giar-Ann Kung, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-8099-6949)
Collection Manager: Weiping Xie,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 18 September 2024
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


New Brunswick Museum

Assistant Curator, Zoology: Gregory Jongsma,
Technician, Zoology: Gayathri Sreedharan,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File


New Zealand Arthropod Collection

The focus is on terrestrial arthropods from the New Zealand region but there are substantial holdings from South Pacific countries and of mites and nematodes from New Zealand. Material comes from the 1880s to the present day. There are over 1.2 million pinned insects, ~100,00 microscope slides, and 250,000 vials of ethanol preserved specimens. Ecdysis is being used as a platform for workflows associated with mass digitisation.

Biocultural (BC) Notice. The BC (Biocultural) Notice is a visible notification that there are accompanying cultural rights and responsibilities that need further attention for any future sharing and use of this material or data. The BC Notice recognizes the rights of Indigenous peoples to permission the use of information, collections, data and digital sequence information (DSI) generated from the biodiversity or genetic resources associated with traditional lands, waters, and territories. The BC Notice may indicate that BC Labels are in development and their implementation is being negotiated.

Head Curator: Darren Ward, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-4509-8553)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 12 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights: CC BY (Attribution)
Rights Holder: Landcare Research, New Zealand Arthropod Collection

North Carolina State University Insect Collection

Housed in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology and the College of Agriculture and Life Science, the NCSU Insect Museum is a research collection dedicated to the acquisition and preservation of resources in systematic entomology useful to the NCSU Department of Entomology, the citizens of North Carolina, and the broader systematics community. The collection houses approximately 1.8 million specimens.

Contacts: Bob Blinn,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 10 June 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File


Patterns of widespread decline in North American bumble bees

This data was used in the paper "Patterns of widespread decline in North American bumble bees" published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of United States of America.

Refer to original data source for most updated description and contacts.

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 15 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights: CC BY (Attribution)
Rights Holder: USDA-ARS Pollinating Insect-Biology, Management, Systematics Research

Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso - Chilean Flower Visitors

This database contains a large dataset of Chilean flower visitors (insects) with 12,001 records from 118 species of 21 families belonging to four orders (Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Coleoptera), comprising over a century of data. This dataset contains samples from six major institutions in Chile (National Museum of Natural History, University of Chile, Metropolitan University of Education Sciences, Austral University of Chile, the Chilean Agricultural and Livestock Bureau, and Luis Peña's private entomological collection). A first effort to digitize this information was made in 2008 through the IABIN project that gathered pollinator datasets from Latin America (led by Cecilia Smith-Ramirez and conducted by Karen Yañez, supported by the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity - IEB), but when the funding was over, the database became offline. Now, in the frame of the SURPASS2 project, we recovered this dataset, and performed a major data cleaning, updated the taxonomy, checked the geographic coordinates (where available), and standardized it to DarwinCore to make it freely available through GBIF. This endeavor adds to a previous dataset published in 2020, aiming to make this natural legacy open to everyone and encourage more research in this field.

Database Specialist: Manuel Lopez-Aliste, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-8791-8599)
Principal Investigator: Francisco Fonturbel, (ORCID #: 0000-0001-8585-2816)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data harvested from a data aggregator
Last Update: 6 October 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso - Wild Bees of Chile

This database presents the largest dataset of Chilean wild bees (Apoidea) with 36,010 records from 167 species, comprising over 40 years of data. This collection is held by the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, being the largest in the country. Prof. Haroldo Toro started this collection and prof. Luisa Ruz continued his legacy. A first effort to digitize this information was made in 2008 through the IABIN project that gathered pollinator datasets from Latin America, but when the funding was over, the database became offline. Now, in the frame of the SURPASS2 project, we recovered the PUCV wild bee collection, updated the taxonomy, estimated geographic coordinates for most of the records, and standardized it to DarwinCore to make it freely available through GBIF. This endeavor aims to open this natural legacy to everyone and encourage more research in this field.

Principal Investigator: Francisco Fonturbel, (ORCID #: 0000-0001-8585-2816)
Database Specialist: Manuel Lopez-Aliste, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-8791-8599)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 6 October 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Purdue Entomological Research Collection - Indiana Bumble Bees

Collections Manager: Chris Wirth, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-6988-5340)
Curator: Aaron Smith,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 15 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Purdue University, Department of Entomology


RL Minckley Insect Collection

Insect collection of RL Minckley which is deposited at the University of Arizona. An associated collection of plants is also deposited with the University. A large number of the included insect records are related to a specific vouchered plant.

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File

Rutgers University Entomological Museum

The Rutgers University Entomological Museum (RUEM) is home to over 200,000 specimens, one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of New Jersey insects in the world. The collection dates back to the late 1880s and was developed by both entomologists and citizen scientists. Much of the collection is from areas of agriculture that no longer exist due to development in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States.

Contacts: Entomological Museum,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Rutgers University

Sabrie Breland Master's Research Collection

I collected bees using netting transects and pan traps during April-October 2013 and 2014. I only kept bees from the pan traps and discarded bycatch. I collected in various sites located in Baker County Georgia. Bees were pinned. 

Contacts: Sabrie Breland,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 October 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights: CC BY (Attribution)

Sagehen Creek Field Station (UC-Berkeley) – Insects

This collection represents an incomplete spectrum of insects collected at UC Berkeley - Sagehen Creek Field Station (and a few others). UC Davis' ENT109 has been taught at Sagehen in alternate years since shortly after Richard Bohart initiated the course in the late 1940's. Phil Ward has run the program in recent decades, and is undoubtedly the most knowledgeable expert on the insect fauna of Sagehen and the surrounding areas. ENT109 students must collect 200 families during their stay (of about 600 in all of North America). This challenging task is made possible by Sagehen's geographical position that spans from the Sierra Crest at the top, to the Great Basin where the creek joins the Little Truckee River. Sagehen is also positioned within day-trip distance of many additional ecosystems, including lakes, rivers and deserts, that support even more insect fauna diversity. Year-round flows from Sagehen's volcanic bedrock feed fen and meadow complexes that have been especially conducive to driving caddisfly speciation. Don and Nancy Erman have published extensively on these insects and ecosystems at Sagehen. Sagehen's insect specimen records were digitized by BNHM as part of a CAP-TCN grant in 2014. Those records were simply added to the museum's collection records, without any way of identifying them as Sagehen specimens, and with no way for Sagehen to manage that data. So, in 2020 we worked with the museums to finally separate out and upload the Sagehen data to

Contacts: Faerthen Felix,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 13 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: UC Regents


San Diego County Bee Checklist

This is a collection of bees collected in San Diego County, California. All bees are pinned specimens currently stored at the University of California San Diego in David Holway's lab and will be vouchered at the San Diego Natural History Museum.

PhD student: Jessica Mullins, (ORCID #: 0000-0001-7907-2370)
Assistant Professor: James Hung, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-1557-3958)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 90003559-9508-4977-a53d-b69618269249
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights: CC BY (Attribution)
Rights Holder: Regents of the University of California


San Diego Natural History Museum Entomology Department

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Collection Manager: Pamela Horsley, (ORCID #: 0000-0003-3362-2255)
Curator: Michael Wall, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-3796-0895)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collection

This collection contains the Anthophila records published by the NMNH Entomology Collection.

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File


Southeast Missouri State University Invertebrate Museum

A regional collection consisting of specimens from the Southeast Missouri and Southwest Illinois area. Has representatives from most orders.

Contacts: Timothy M. Judd,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Southeast Missouri State University
Access Rights: not-for-profit use only


Texas Tech University - Invertebrate Zoology

The Invertebrate Zoology collection (TTU-Z) of the Museum of Texas Tech University is international in scope with an emphasis on arthropods from semi-arid and arid lands, especially from North America. The collection consists primarily of insects (including an extensive collection of ants), medical/veterinary specimens (endo- and ectoparasites), and arachnids. The pinned collection contains over 3,200 genera and 7,500 identified species. The collection is estimated to hold about 4.6 million specimens including pinned insects, arachnids preserved in ethanol, microscope slides (medical/veterinary importance and mites), and bulk samples. There are currently slightly more than 800 type specimens (mostly paratypes) in the collection.

Curator of Invertebrate Zoology: Jennifer C. Girón, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-0851-6883)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 18 July 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Museum of Texas Tech University

The Bees they are a Changin project

This collection is an aggregate research collection for examining how bee body size is responding to climate change. There will be duplicate records with other portals: UCSB's collection, the AMNH collection and the LACM collection.

Contacts: Colleen Smith
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 46da7109-a045-450b-ad55-f7ba692014fa
Digital Metadata: EML File

The BUZZ: Engaging Community College Students in Native Bee Biodiversity Research

This collection of native bee specimens (Apoidea) are from California and Arizona in the US, collected from a variety of community college campuses and surrounding wild areas. Specimens are pinned and stored in Schmitt boxes or Cal Academy drawers.

Taxonomist & Database Manager: Jaime Pawelek, (ORCID #: 0009-0008-1300-7443)
Principle Investigator: Jeannie Chari,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: b8e53987-0840-4f38-a759-bbddc4496ac1
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Public Domain

UCSB material examined collection

This is a collection of specimens and images from many institutions.

Contacts: Katja Seltmann
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
Digital Metadata: EML File

University of Alaska Museum Insect Collection

This dataset includes records from the UAM Insect Collection, which is live managed in Arctos:

Although a young collection (begun in 2000), we have recently surpassed 390,000 records representing over 2 million specimens in various curatorial states (as of June 2023), making this dataset among the top ten largest in entomology based on data served to iDigBio. Over 99% of these records have been georeferenced. As of 2020, approximately 90% of the 272,892 specimens in the pinned collection had been databased. Our database holds ~80,000 records of ethanol preserved specimens but it is unknown how much of the wet collection remains undatabased. At least one specimen of every lowest identification, in both the pinned and wet collections, has been databased so we have a complete online taxon inventory of the collection. 208,337 specimens have been identified to the species level - these represent ~4,200 species. We have been building a DNA barcode library of Alaskan species and have so far obtained DNA barcodes for 5,570 specimens. 150,000+ of these specimen records have been cited or otherwise used in >100 peer-reviewed publications.

Curator: Derek Sikes,
Original Data Source / VertNet IPT:
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 20 October 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights: CC BY (Attribution)
Rights Holder: University of Alaska Museum of the North
Access Rights:

University of Alaska Museum Insect Observations

This dataset is pulled from the literature, other non-digitized collections, and databases. It is restricted to Alaskan non-marine arthropod records. Most records are not georeferenced.

Curator: Derek Sikes,
Collection Type: Observations
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 20 October 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights: CC BY (Attribution)
Rights Holder: University of Alaska Museum of the North
Access Rights:


University of Arizona Insect Collection

The University of Arizona Insect Collection (UAIC) contains approximately 2 million specimens representing 35,000 species of pinned, alcohol-preserved, slide-mounted and frozen-tissue preserved arthropods mostly from the Sonoran Desert Region. Significant holdings include Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera and Lepidoptera, but all insect groups are extensively represented. The UAIC user community is diverse, ranging from outstanding undergraduate and graduate students to highly active emeritus insect systematists. Annually, we host thousands of visitors, ranging from resident researchers to individual walk-ins, campus tour groups, and vast numbers of people seeking information on the biology of the Sonoran Desert Region.

Curator: Wendy Moore,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 12 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File


University of California Santa Barbara Invertebrate Zoology Collection

The UC Santa Barbara Invertebrate Zoology collection began in 2016 when Cheadle Center Director, Katja Seltmann started at UCSB. The majority of the specimens are recent (since 2016) but many from the 1950s are included in an entomology teaching collection that was at UCSB during this time. In 1960, Dr. Adrian Wenner arrived at UCSB and added a small personal collection of families not represented in the collection. The collection continues to grow through voluntary donations of arthropods collected by students for class projects, accessions from the UCSB Natural Reserve System, and research projects at UCSB and the Cheadle Center Ecological Restoration. The majority of the specimens are insects from UC Santa Barbara and the surrounding area and the collection strength is in Hymenoptera. This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included. All data and images in this collection are under CC0 1.0 (Public-domain) license.

Director: Katja Seltmann, (ORCID #: 0000-0001-5354-6048)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File


University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collection

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Contacts: Adrian Carper, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-8657-3613)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 7 August 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File


University of Kansas Natural History Museum Entomology Division

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Contacts: Michael Engel,
Contacts: Victor Gonzalez-Betancourt, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-4146-1634)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 April 2024
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File


University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Division of Insects

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Contacts: L. Lacey Knowles, (ORCID #: 0000-0002-6567-4853)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 October 2024
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File


University of New Hampshire, Donald S. Chandler Entomological Collection

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Contacts: Istvan Miko, (ORCID #: 0000-0003-2938-9075)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File


USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab

This collection is a snapshot of an external collection database where only the Bee (Apoidea:Anthophila) records are included.

Contacts: Sam Droege, (ORCID #: 0000-0003-4393-0403)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 6 October 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Insect Collection

The Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Insect Collection is the oldest and largest entomological collection in Virginia. Founded in 1888 by W.B. Alwood at the university’s first experimental station with just a few insects collected from his apple orchards, the collection now composes more than 500,000 specimens. The collection contains many entomological treasures like American Burying Beetles collected from Blacksburg in 1889 (now extinct from the state), colorful Malaysian butterflies, a herbarium of plant pests, and an extensive slide collection of 50,000 soil mites. In addition to pinned dried specimens, the VTEC holds an alcohol collection of aquatic insects and Appalachian millipedes.

Curator: Paul Marek,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 April 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Virginia Tech, Department of Entomology


Wild Bees of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

We conducted a large-scale, multi-year inventory of the bee fauna of one such area, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM), which is a large area of protected land that, until recently, incorporated nearly 1.9 million acres of the Colorado Plateau in south-central Utah.

Refer to original data source for most updated description and contacts.

Associated Publication:
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 20 September 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: USDA-ARS Pollinating Insect-Biology, Management, Systematics Research

William Murphy Insect Collection

Insect collection of William Murphy. 

Curator: William Murphy,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File

Xerces Society - Bumble Bee Watch

Bumble Bee Watch is a collaborative effort to track and conserve North America’s bumble bees. Bumble Bee Watch is a citizen science project through the partnership of The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, the University of Ottawa, Wildlife Preservation Canada, BeeSpotter, The Natural History Museum, London, and the Montreal Insectarium. Bumble bee species occurrence data included in this dataset is derived from photo-based observations of bumble bees collected and submitted by citizen scientists in the United States and Canada. These data will help researchers determine the status and conservation needs of bumble bees; Help locate rare or endangered populations of bumble bees; and Learn about bumble bees, their ecology, and ongoing conservation efforts.

Refer to original data source for most updated description and contacts.

Contacts: Rich Hatfield,
Collection Type: Observations
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 15 September 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: United States Geological Survey

Yale Peabody Museum - Entomology Division

The systematic collections of the Yale Peabody Museum’s Division of Entomology comprise over 1,000,000 curated specimens. Division holdings include important collections of Lepidoptera, arachnids, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, water beetles and midges, and specialty collections on evolutionary themes. Recent acquisitions also include historically important collections from other institutions. The Division also maintains a general entomological library of periodicals, books and reprints that includes coverage of arachnology donated from the Alexander Petrunkevitch Library.

Head, Computer Systems Office: Larry Gall,
Original Data Source:
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 5 October 2023
IPT / DwC-A Source:
Digital Metadata: EML File