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Collection Profile for:
University of Alaska Museum Insect Collection (UAM-ENTO)

This dataset includes records from the UAM Insect Collection, which is live managed in Arctos: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7299/X75D8S0H

Although a young collection (begun in 2000), we have recently surpassed 390,000 records representing over 2 million specimens in various curatorial states (as of June 2023), making this dataset among the top ten largest in entomology based on data served to iDigBio. Over 99% of these records have been georeferenced. As of 2020, approximately 90% of the 272,892 specimens in the pinned collection had been databased. Our database holds ~80,000 records of ethanol preserved specimens but it is unknown how much of the wet collection remains undatabased. At least one specimen of every lowest identification, in both the pinned and wet collections, has been databased so we have a complete online taxon inventory of the collection. 208,337 specimens have been identified to the species level - these represent ~4,200 species. We have been building a DNA barcode library of Alaskan species and have so far obtained DNA barcodes for 5,570 specimens. 150,000+ of these specimen records have been cited or otherwise used in >100 peer-reviewed publications.

Original Data Source / VertNet IPT
UAM-ENT in Arctos



University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Museum
1962 Yukon Dr.
Fairbanks, Alaska   99775
United States
907 474 6278

Collection Statistics

  • 45,294 specimen records
  • 45,274 (100%) georeferenced
  • 102 (0.23%) with images (201 total images)
  • 78 GenBank genetic references
  • 43,841 (97%) identified to species
  • 5 families
  • 20 genera
  • 100 species
  • 103 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 20 October 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: IPT Import
Usage Rights:
Rights Holder: University of Alaska Museum of the North
Access Rights: https://arctosdb.org/arctosdata-policy/
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