Collection Profile for:
Insecta of Costa Rica (INBio) (INBio-Insecta)
Occurrence records of the Insecta class collected, identified, digitized, and published by the National Biodiversity Institute (INBio) of Costa Rica.
Biodiversity Informatics Applications Developer: Manuel Vargas,
Information Technology Manager: María Auxiliadora Mora,
National Biodiversity Institute (INBio) of Costa Rica
Santa Rosa de Santo Domingo de Heredia
Santo Domingo 22-3100, Heredia
Costa Rica
Collection Statistics
- 45,207 specimen records
- 45,207 (100%) georeferenced
- 28,131 (62%) identified to species
- 5 families
- 95 genera
- 187 species
- 187 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
25 April 2024
Usage Rights: