Photographer List

Image Contributors

Love, Alma (4)
Seltmann, Katja (7)


ASU Hasbrouck Insect Collection - Bee Records (ASU-ASUHIC) (9,047)
California Academy of Sciences (CAS-ENT) (16)
California Academy of Sciences - Type Collection (CAS-CASTYPE) (450)
Entomology Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah (UMNH-ENT) (13)
Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Insect, Arachnid and Myriapod Collection (FMNH-Insects) (81)
Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA-FSCA) (16,412)
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ-ENT) (18,394)
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM-ENT) (52,108)
New Brunswick Museum (NBM-ENT) (1,111)
Purdue Entomological Research Collection - Indiana Bumble Bees (PU-PERC) (1,354)
San Diego Natural History Museum Entomology Department (SDNHM-SDMC) (7,565)
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collection (NMNH-ENT) (85,146)
Texas Tech University - Invertebrate Zoology (TTU-TTU-Z) (1,493)
The Bees they are a Changin project (UCSB-Smith) (2,057)
UCSB material examined collection (UCSB-External) (8)
University of Alaska Museum Insect Collection (UAM-ENTO) (201)
University of Arizona Insect Collection (UA-UAIC) (8,277)
University of California Santa Barbara Invertebrate Zoology Collection (UCSB-IZC) (12,818)
University of Kansas Natural History Museum Entomology Division (KU-SEMC) (321,368)
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Division of Insects (UMMZ-UMMZI) (34,651)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Insect Collection (VPI-VTEC) (1,595)


iNaturalist Research-Grade Observations (iNat-) (825,603)
University of Alaska Museum Insect Observations (UAMObs-ENTO) (359)